Capa » International News » Marchesini Group presents ‘X DAYS 2020’

Marchesini Group presents ‘X DAYS 2020’

Pianoro (Bologna) – Now, more than ever, we need some extraordinary events to keep in touch. In May, Marchesini Group should have welcomed its customers at its exhibition booth at the German trade show Interpack, where it should have illustrated the new technologies exploited to package pharmaceutical and cosmetic products.
Considering that Interpack has been postponed and given the global circumstances of lockdown and social distancing, the Marchesini Group has decided that something really extraordinary was needed to support its customers without putting their health and that of its staff, at risk.

We bring you X DAYS ( a sequence of exclusive online events broadcast from a specially-created space. All you have to do is subscribe to get your “front row” seat.

Just like a live Marchesini Group event, there will be important discussions concerning the company’s new brand positioning, the new website and the launch of industrial technologies that are set to impact the worldwide packaging industry. Last but not least will be the hearty and customary welcome of the Group.

Pietro Cassani, Marchesini Group’s CEO, will introduce the new brand positioning represented by the X of “Extraordinary”. A word rich in meaning that is the new visual symbol of the Group renowned for its originality and which has always had the ability to think outside the box to create innovative business.

The second guest will be Valentina Marchesini, marketing director of Marchesini Group. Valentina will explain additional features of the strategic campaign and will offer a world preview of the new website, which has been completely redesigned, making it even more user-friendly for customers and even more appealing for anyone wanting to browse it.

The technological heart of this first online show – on 4th June and open to everyone – will beat to the rhythm of the machines that should have been on show at Interpack, such as the new MA 260 cartoner for vials. This incredibly versatile machine, alongside its sister models, has contributed to spreading the Marchesini name throughout the world.

The second special event will discuss aseptic technologies, which have become even more important during this historical period. The Big Pharma companies are getting ready to package millions of vaccines. Future events will focus on machines for the cosmetics industry, stickpacks, and more. The live events will be available in English, Spanish and Russian. Customers will be able to contact us on our live chat service with any questions they may have.

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