By Rodolfo Cosentino.
In an official statement, Tom Costabile, Executive Director / CEO of ASME (The American Society of Mechanical Engineers), informed that the institution is taking steps to limit the spread of the coronavirus.
The New York office will be closed to all staff and visitors as of the close of business Wednesday, March 11, 2020 through Friday March 27, 2020. The majority of ASME NY staff will be working remotely. ASME offices in Little Falls, New Jersey; Washington, DC; Houston, Texas; and New Delhi, India will continue to be open for the time being.
The ASME Beijing Office will remain closed and the staff will continue to work from home
Additionally, no large meetings (6 or more individuals) will be permitted in any of the ASME offices during this period..
All international staff and volunteer travel is canceled until May 29, 2020.
Read the full statement below:
Dear Colleagues,
We continue to monitor the news reports concerning the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus. As you may be aware, over the last few days COVID-19 has spread quickly throughout the United States. The Federal government, every State and many local governments have issued guidelines to mandatory restrictions in an effort to contain and/or limit the spread of the virus. In addition, many universities and schools announced they will be taking steps to limit large meetings and gatherings to contain and/or limit the spread of the coronavirus.
The ASME Executive Management Team (EMT) has been meeting regularly for the past few weeks to evaluate what we can do to lower the probability of the spread of the coronavirus in and among our staff, volunteers and other individuals who participate in our events. We have been reviewing all events (including conferences and standing meetings), making decisions on a case-by-case basis, because we do not believe that there is a “one size fits all” solution for this complex situation
Given the latest developments, our focus has now turned to the risk of potential exposure for:
- Members of our staff who commute on public transportation
- Staff, volunteers and other individuals who conduct meetings
- Staff and Volunteer Travel
ASME will continue to operate during this situation, however given the issues above, we will operate subject to the following modifications.
The New York office will be closed to all staff and visitors as of the close of business Wednesday, March 11, 2020 through Friday March 27, 2020. The majority of ASME NY staff will be working remotely. Anyone who has a business need related to work in the New York office and cannot reach ASME staff can contact me. We have arranged secondary means of communication. The closure of the office is solely to ensure safety for all individuals during this period.
ASME offices in Little Falls, New Jersey; Washington, DC; Houston, Texas; and New Delhi, India will continue to be open for the time being. However, staff at these locations, who may be considered as part of a compromised group (for example, those who are elderly, have a compromised immune system or are pregnant) or otherwise have a special circumstance will be working from home.
The ASME Beijing Office will remain closed and the staff will continue to work from home.
Additionally, no large meetings (6 or more individuals) will be permitted in any of the ASME offices during this period.
As discussed in previous memos, all international staff and volunteer travel is canceled until May 29, 2020. Any domestic travel by staff or volunteers prior to May 29, 2020 must be approved in writing (an email) by your immediate supervisor and EMT member.
The EMT will continue to monitor the situation and adjust as events evolve. Please feel free to contact me or any EMT member if you have any questions or concerns related to this memorandum or its subject matter.
In closing, I have been pleased with the awareness and positive approach to this situation shown by our staff and volunteers and I extend to each of you my heartfelt thanks and appreciation for your efforts during this difficult situation. As always, ASME both staff and volunteers, will continue to work together to fulfill our mission while at the same time protecting the health and safety of our staff, volunteers and other participants globally.
With thanks and regards,
Tom Costabile, P.E.
Executive Director / CEO